How to use custom pagination


In this time CMSN Software Tutorials has decided to provide a enhancement for our previous tutorial("How to use pagination with repeater"). "How to use custom pagination" shows you the way of integrating data level pagination with the Repeater control. Here we are using hyperlinks for the pagination points instead of using LinkButtons. that means users can bookmark any page at any time.

How to use pagination with repeater


In this time CMSN Software Tutorials has decided to provide a very useful tutorial. "How to use pagination with repeater" shows you the way of integrating pagination with the Repeater control. Usually we use DataPager for pagination. But DataPager Control Can be use only with controls which implement IPageableItemContainer interface like ListView. So we decide to show you how to implement custom pagination control to support repeater.

How to use Ajax auto complete in


In this time CMSN Software has decided to provide a little bit of advance tutorial. "How to use Ajax auto complete in" simply shows you how to implement auto complete text box in ASP.Net. Technically we are passing value to server side using simple Ajax request and then search inside a xml file using Linq to xml. Then format and display the response as a auto complete suggestions. As usual in this tutorial also CMSN Software shows how to use multiple technologies to accomplish same task.

How to call CSharp function in Ajax


We thought to expand the idea of Ajax request little bit further in order to present a very useful concept for achieving a flexible development approach with in your application. So, CMSN Software presents this tutorial "How to call CSharp function in Ajax " which explains how to call CSharp method using JavaScript via Ajax request.